Friday, April 26, 2013

Time for a Roadtrip and a FIESTA!!!

Wow, this week flew by!  I feel like weekends fly by even faster now that SG is getting older.  I'm really loving her at this age.  It's so awesome to take her to do things and to see her try and figure things out.  I am amazed everyday by her.  It seems like each day she learns something new.  We decided last weekend to visit my family in San Antonio.  It's funny how traveling with kids changes things.  Before we were so carefree about trips and stayed in fancy hotels, planned lots of activities and ate lots of dinners out.  My how times have changed.
I took a half day on Friday so I could prep for our trip.  I started packing for SG the night before but by Friday I quickly realized that SG's overnight bag was just not big enough.  Thus I shifted all her things into my bag.  Since I knew space would be limited I then decided to pack my stuff in her bag.  She's already taking over my things, lol.  I packed all of SG's clothes in Ziploc bags to make thing easier and presorted all her food (i.e. bottles, cereal, baby food, etc.).  I had arranged to have a portable crib delivered to our room so all I needed to pack were her linens.  Which brings me to my next point, the hotel.  My goal was to recreate the home environment as much as possible so I booked a room at a Residence Inn which had a separate living and bedroom area.  This was a HUGE plus.  It made things so much easier!  I had planned our departure around SG's nap time.  I thought I was money because she always falls asleep in the car.  Not this day!  She decided to sleep about 45 minutes (usually she naps 1-2 hours).  Despite this I had packed extra toys and she did amazing.  She just played and talked the entire time.  It helped that our pup Chloe was also in the backseat with her to amuse her.  We stopped to feed SG a little early because she seemed a bit fussy...well that was because she had a near blowout.  This kid has only had two others and both were in public.  Why oh why does it always have to happen at the most inopportune time?  Thankfully I had an extra outfit packed but let me tell you, I under packed for her this time because she rarely gets dirty.  Thank goodness I had the extra outfit.  Once we arrived it was dinner, bath and bed routine time.  I brought her baby seat for the bathtub which was great because I also used it as a chair for her to sit in to feed her.  Warning: I HIGHLY recommend you thoroughly wash and clean the bathtub before you put your lil one in it.  Thankfully we had a kitchen in our room so I used dish soap to clean the tub.  Husband Daddy put her bed together and I brought her linens from home so she would feel and smell the comforts of home.  She fell asleep like a champ (thankfully because she hadn't napped much) with her sound machine on and all was good. 
The next day SG woke up sounding a bit congested.  I thought little of it because she has never gotten sick.  By breakfast time her eyes looked watery and she just didn't seem her normal happy self.  A cold front had just come in so I wondered if allergens were bothering her.  We headed to one of San Antonio's biggest events...FIESTA!  Think Rodeo for Houston, ACL for Austin, etc.  This is the big event of the year.  Fiesta is about three things; food, drinks and fun.  I hadn't been since I was a teen and Husband had never been.  SG wore her best Fiesta friendly dress and looked like a lil Senorita!  After two hours we headed home because SG seemed tired and still seemed like she wasn't feeling well.  It's a good thing we headed home (to the hotel) because after her nap she woke up sounding terrible.  I knew she was definitely sick.  We had planned to go to my parents for dinner so I packed up all her things to recreate dinner and bath time at their house.  Our poor lil girl didn't want anything to do with this.  She was so uncomfortable and unhappy so we had to leave early.  We stopped at Walgreen's on the way back to the hotel and I bought Vick's and an all natural cough suppressant (really it is just has natural herbs to help baby).  By this time SG was coughing a lot and choking on her milk to the point she would throw up.  I got her home and gave her Tylenol (which I carry in her overnight bag), put the Vick's on her and got her to bed.  She barely slept that night not able to get comfortable and coughing the entire night.  Finally, around 4 or 5 I held her in my arms and rocked her and let her sleep in my arms.  I did this until my arms were numb and finally I laid her in bed next to us.  I am deathly afraid of doing this but I felt like she was older now and since I wasn't a sleep deprived mommy of a 3 month old I felt a little more comfortable doing this.  To be honest she had begun to be very clingy to me since she starting feeling bad.  I realized at this point that the best thing to do was head home early and get her to the comforts of home.  When she woke up we packed up and headed out.  I felt terrible that we had to cancel the plans for the day with our extended family but it was best for Sofie.  Thank goodness we came home early.  Immediately she seemed happier.  I took her to the doctor Monday and found out she had an ear infection and cold.  We were given antibiotics for the infection and cough meds.  I felt terrible that she had an ear infection and I didn't even know.  I looked for the cues (tugging at the ears, red ears, etc.) but she never did any of it.  Our tough lil cookie actually never acted that bad the entire time she was sick...only when I gave her saline drops and cleared her nose did she really cry.  Needless to say our first big road trip out of town was a semi-success.  I am glad I waited until she was older for the trip because I was MUCH more relaxed than I would have been if we had gone when she was younger.  I had my rhythm down of how/what to pack, when to hit the road, how to plan around naps (now that her naps are regulated and at the same time) which all made things much easier. 
A few tips when traveling with lil one that I learned:
  • Pack in Ziploc bags (clothes, bibs, socks, pacifiers, toys, etc.)-makes things so much easier when rummaging through a bag at a gas station or in the hotel and then everything isn't and explosion of baby supplies when you arrive to the hotel
  • If possible try to book at suite only hotels (Residence Inn, Hampton Inn, etc.) with a separate bedroom and living area---ironically these are often less expensive than some of the nicer hotels and include free breakfast which is a PLUS for mommy and daddy (and endless coffee)
  • Arrange to have a crib in your room rather than pack your Pack-N-Play (one less thing to pack and they usually have PNP as their portable cribs)
  • Pack your own bed linens (we were provided some from the hotel but I knew SG would be more comfy with her own)
  • Take the sound machine if your baby uses one (ours has a nightlight too which was a big plus)
  • Try to recreate home as much as possible and stay on schedule as much as possible (I realize if you have an agenda staying on schedule can be hard but if you have flexibility plan activities around naps)
  • Naps---I try to only let SG take one nap in the car, the other I try to keep at home or a bed.  I do this because she doesn't sleep as soundly in the car so I want her to at least get one good nap in bed
  • Plan your drives, flights, etc. around naps meaning you want to drive and fly during your lil one's nap time
  • When packing diapers I pack the amount she uses each day plus an extra 30% (yes I just came up with a formula for how many diapers to take but then you don't pack too little and you don't have an overabundance of diapers)
  • Always travel with certain meds (I carry Tylenol and diaper rash cream) just in case and good thing I did because although I rarely have used these with SG I used both on this trip
  • Check the weather before you go and pack accordingly with a couple outfits for the opposite weather in case of a sudden change in temps
  • Try to pack your lil ones things in ONE bag if possible--my good friend Lisa also told me she packs her kids things in large plastic bins--I thought this was genius because they stack on top of each other great in a car.  I will be doing this on our next road trip
These are just a couple things I learned and I wish I had taken photos of how we packed and what we took.  I will have to remember to do this on our next trip.  In the meantime here are a few photos from our weekend.
My lil Senorita!

She was dancing to the cumbia music that was playing.  This one's gonna be a dancer!  Yay for those Latin roots!

Acting coy with daddy.  So cute!

Our lil family.

Daddy's lil girl.  He loves putting her on his shoulders and she loves it just as much.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

FREEBIE Alert!!!

Happy Hump Day!

Just wanted to post a quick update on a FREEBIE.  From today until June 28th Shutterfly and Similac will team up to offer mommies a FREE custom magnet.  Who doesn't want a magnet with their lil one all over it?!  Below are the deets...if you already have an account just sign in at the very bottom of the page and enter your coupon code.  Enjoy!

Link: Shutterfly
Enter Code: STAB-3SC2-7BAK-VCKM6C

Happy Mother's Day Enjoy a free photo magnet*

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Mission NOT So Impossible

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Well last week was quite the emotional week for our lil family.  It's funny because PSG (pre SG) I was not very emotional.  Now it seems I get weepy at the drop of a hat...or Subaru commercial (you know the one of the daddy dropping his daughter off for the first day of school?)--don't worry, if you don't know what I am talking about I included a link below (red and bolded above picture).  Yes, it is true; for those of you who have heard motherhood makes even the hardest hearts soft.  But I digress.

So last week was a bit emotional for us, and by us I mean me because we have recently been challenged with making a fairly large decision as a family (you will have to excuse the lack of pictures but after you read this you will understand why).  Last year Husband and I made a commitment to grow in our faith more.  We attend church regularly and joined and graduated from a Newlywed Bible Study class but we knew there was more we could do.  We both agreed that we wanted to go on a mission trip one day.  Now for those of you who know my husband you know he is an overachiever (that's putting it lightly---he was the #1 rep at his entire company at the mere age of 24, only 2 years after working there---yes I am bragging about him here because I am in such awe of his drive and achievement) and he decided that he wanted us to try for our first mission trip this year.  I was strictly opposed to this because of SG. We already had a ski trip planned and a wedding planned, both of which would require us to go without her.  Something else many of you know is that my husband does not give up.  He really felt a calling in his heart that we were supposed to go on a trip this year.  As you can imagine this caused some friction between us.  At first it was non-negotiable for me.  I said no that we needed to keep all remaining trips local.  I told Husband that when we did finally decide to go on one that I wanted it to be to a Latin American country where I could use my Spanish (I wouldn't say I am fluent but I understand all and can read and write it and speak enough to get by pretty well).  Then a missions conference was held at our church.  We both decided to attend under the agreement that we would plan to go on a trip in 2014.  After the conference both of us were excited but once again Husband brought up going this year.  In my heart I knew he was right.  Something kept telling me that.  I just did NOT want to leave SG.  Then one day I received a call from our missions pastor at church.  It was a random call from a number I didn't recognize and I didn't bother checking my voicemail for a few days.  Once I finally checked it I made Daniel return the call (nice of me huh?).  Our church was looking for volunteers to go on trips.  I told Daniel it just wasn't the right time.  But again, my husband is a convicted man and decided to attend a missions meeting.  When he came home he explained that volunteers were needed for Guatemala.  Hmm...that was strange, that was the only trip on the list I told Daniel I would consider attending...NEXT year.  Daniel asked me what I thought we should do and I pushed the subject aside...I was NOT going to leave SG.

Fast forward a few days and sleepless nights.  I am not sure why but for some reason I felt an overwhelming amount of anxiety over the next few days.  I could not sleep and the trip kept creeping into my thoughts.  I convinced myself that if we were meant to go then I would have warm fuzzies about it.  I never got them.  I started dealing with lots of emotions.  If Daniel went I would feel guilty and almost jealous. If I went I would miss my baby more than life itself.  If we both went I wouldn't want to leave SG alone again.  No, no the answer was wait another year...but that just did not sit well with me.  We were told to pray about it but for some reason I never really did. Looking back I didn't pray about it because I was scared of the answer God would give me.  Then last week while at work Husband sends me an email from church telling me we had been selected for the trip.  Wait, what?!  What just happened?  I hadn't even signed up!  Immediately I was sick to my stomach and upset, tears welling up in my eyes.  Husband told me he wanted to talk about it when he got home.  Ick, I didn't want to talk about it.  Why not try to avoid the elephant in the room?  Husband NEVER let's me avoid the elephant in the room--God bless him for that!  Then FINALLY, as I was rocking SG to sleep I began to pray.  Again tears streamed down my face and my heart ached.  I knew what I needed to do.
After a long, very emotional conversation Husband and I decided that I was being called to go on this particular mission trip.  We were going to Central America and Spanish speakers were a plus.  I also knew I needed to go because of other reasons.  You see I am a very giving person but I am also a very selfish person...not so much selfish with "things" but selfish with time.  I imagine it's because I have been on my own since about 15 and never really had the "normal" college experience like so many because I was working full-time just to support myself through college.  I think I am also selfish with my time because as a teenager I had to share a room with my little sister giving me very little privacy.  I also spent time in two relationships where I didn't really have a lot of independence and so now that I am older I truly value my "me time" or alone time.  That said, I have come to realize that there are times when I am very willing to help others...but on my clock.  I also realize that isn't truly a giving heart.  In church we learn that giving sometimes means sacrifice, that if it doesn't hurt a little than it really isn't a sacrifice.  There have been moments where God has presented an opportunity for me to help someone and I am too selfish of my time and decide against it.  My heart, and God were telling me that I needed to sacrifice this time.  I pray every night that God would make me a strong and positive living example to my daughter of what it truly means to follow His way.  Sometimes it isn't easy.  But the Bible never said that following God is always easy...just look at the apostles.  I also pray every night that Sofia Grace grow up always choosing God first, even over us (this is a hard thing to ask for when you are a mommy).  So I knew this was it, this was my opportunity to answer my own prayer and be an example to my daughter.  I needed to choose God over my daughter.
Now many of you may be sitting here reading this in complete astonishment, disagreeing with my choice.  I totally understand because honestly I might be the same had I not gone through all the emotion I went through this last week.  I would think, "what a selfish mother to go on a trip and leave her daughter for a week," had I not read so much scripture about giving and the true meaning of giving, following and sacrifice.  But then I think of God and how he chose US over his son so that we would be forgiven.  So if you disagree I am compassionate to that.  But I know in my heart of hearts this is my calling.  I pray that one day when Sofia Grace is older and faced with a tough decision between following everyone else and following God she will look back on this moment and realize that her mother chose God and that is the path she must follow.  I pray that I am a strong example to her, that she would have a stronger heart and more conviction than I and that she would understand why I chose this.  I pray that she will look back and be proud of me and fully understand why I made this decision and know that it does not mean I love her less, in fact it means I love her more than she will ever know.
And now for the mission.  I will be traveling to Quetzaltengango, Guatemala this summer departing June 29th returning July 6th (an eternity to be away from my family).  I will be traveling alone (meaning without Husband) with 11 other individuals.  Our missions will range from working with orphans (this is sure to break my heart), to helping local pastors with supplies and evangelism to helping ex-convicts to restocking a food pantry and more.  I will be raising money to help fund this mission trip for our church so that we can continue to help others and spread the word. Like I mentioned before I have never been on a mission trip.  I always envisioned that Husband and I would take our first trip together but as God would have it that was not his plan.  I am scared, anxiety ridden and worried---not so much about SG's care but about how much I will miss her.  At the same time I feel a great sense of peace and know that this is my calling.  I know that the time Husband and SG spend together those 7 days are invaluable.  Their bond will continue to grow which makes my heart burst with joy.  I warned Husband that ice cream, cheerios and biscuits cannot be consumed for dinner every night (this is his idea of a balanced diet). I am looking forward to that feeling of discomfort from being away from home and fear of the unknown (this is how we grow the most) and I cannot wait to see the faces of those we have helped.  Many of our friends who have done mission work say it's life changing...that it helps the missionaries more than those they are helping.  I am not sure what is to come or what will be but I do welcome this challenge.  After all, I have God on my side which makes it a mission NOT so impossible.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
For more information on my trip feel free to click HERE.  I will make sure to blog about this journey leading up to, during and after.  Thank you so much for letting me share my journey with you. 

37 He said to him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the greatest and most important command. -Matthew 22:37-38

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Opening old wounds...

I have debated writing this post for some time now.  I am not really sure why because many of those close to Husband and I now know this story.  I think I have been hesitant to share for selfish reasons.  Sharing this story means I have to open old wounds and it reminds me of a very scary time in our lives with our sweet SG.  In fact writing this is making my eyes fill with tears and that lump in my throat return. 
Since facing this experience with our lil girl I have helped a few other friends who were faced with the similar situations.  I must say that at the end of the day we were truly blessed that SG didn't suffer from something much more severe.  In fact what we went through is nothing compared to other things some of my mommy friends have faced.  But tell that to a first time mommy...everything, big or small is a BIG deal!  So today I want to share the story of why SG was placed in the NICU only a few days after we brought her home.  In order to share my story I am including a link to my private family blog.  I hope that at the very least our story helps someone going through a similar situation and lets them know that they are not alone.  Feel free to share with others.
To read our story please click on the link below.

Don't Lose Sight of these Sites!

Happy Tuesday Mommies!
Can you remember life before the Internet?  Ok, I actually can because it wasn’t that long ago (or maybe it was and I am just in denial).  When I was in high school I remember having to go to the library to work on research papers and actually check out BOOKS….you know those things with paper and typed words.  Then my senior year, second semester, our computers were upgraded and we were able to search other school libraries via something called the Internet!  What in the world did that mean?!  Didn’t matter, it meant I could print out books from other locations which made my life much easier.  And that my fellow mommies was my intro to what is now known as the World Wide Web/Internet.  Obviously I am dating myself here so be kind.  ;)
So in honor of my age and the Internet I thought I would talk about some of my favorite websites.  There really is no rhyme or reason to these sites other than I just love them and find myself on them at least once a week when I get a break from mommyhood (we know those are rare).  So here they are.
Etsy-If you haven’t heard of it you are missing out.  Ever want to buy a unique handmade gift?  Or have something made for your lil ones room?  Or maybe you are just looking for some cool handmade décor for your house?  Etsy is sure to have all of this!  The concept is simple.  Artists and vendors sell handmade goods in “shops” and you can order directly from them.  Think Ebay meets boutique stores.  I have ordered gifts for friends, SG’s nursery linens and curtains, jewelry, books, home décor, clothes and more from Etsy.  I love that you can contact the “shop” owners directly and more often than not they will even create custom orders for you.  And Etsy is limited to just new things, they have an entire section on vintage and antique items.  Great place to shop for that super unique item you just can’t seem to find anywhere.

All of the hats SG is wearing were from Etsy, as well as her bloomers and the infamous "Weepublican" onsie.

The roman shades, bird paintings, and framed prints were all purchased off of Etsy.

EtsyKids-WAIT, WHAT?!  Now there is an EtsyKids which I just discovered.  Same as the above but now all shop owners who sell kid items are in one location!!!!  There are tons and tons of uber cute finds here ranging from clothes, toys, linens and even furniture. LOVE!, I love this site.  The basic premise is two mommies got together and developed a site focusing on activities to do with your lil one.  They break the site down by age groups.  And no I am not talking go to the zoo or let’s go outside and do some chalk drawings (neither of which I am knocking---because let’s face it these are super fun activities too), I am talking about fun creative ideas we may not all have the energy to come up with.  Case in point: “Spend a week in Austin” or “Go to a theatre where baby crying IS allowed” or “Host an ugly baby clothes contest” (confession, I think I am going to do the last one).  In addition to activities they give tips for mommies, crafts, ideas and lots more.  They even break things down by state (of course Texas has it’s own tab…c’mon we’re Texas).  The mommies are two real moms just like you and me and they keep things pretty real which I love. started following Babycenter when I was first prego.  However, I found this site to be more helpful after SG was born.  Why?  The Babycenter has a HUGE community or birth month clubs.  I cannot  tell you how many times I have sought the advice of other mommies in the middle of the night from our birth club…and they answer---because they are up feeding in the middle of the night too!  I also love their community boards.  Ever have a question about baby and type it into Google, about 99% of the time a link to Babycenter will come up.  Great site and if you want to sign up for weekly emails you can do that too.’ve talked about this one before (see my post Counting Sheep and Catching ZZZZZZSSSS ) and I’ll talk about it again.  This is an amazing company that I swear by.  They helped SG sleep through the night without a paci and now she sleeps from 7:30 PM-7:30 AM…straight!  In addition to there amazing services you will find a lot of fab advice and tips (sleep related) in their weekly newsletter.  Thanks to them our lil SG wakes up super happy...she takes after her daddy...such a morning person. 
Sleeping beauty.

GraciouslySaved-This is a blog I follow and I just LOVE how the author, Stephanie is a mommy just like me and she talks about everything from her experiences, to cooking, to tips and so much more.  It's so fun when you start following a blog because you start to feel like you really know someone.  Plus it's funs to follow a mommy who has a lil one close in age to SG.  The best part...lots of pics of her lil cutie.  Who doesn't love looking at pics of lil ones?!
These are just a few of my favs and I hope you will find one or all of them useful or helpful.  Oh and hyperlinks are included in each site title above (bold and underlined).  If you have any sites that you recommend I would love you to comment and share with everyone! 
Hang ten and happy web surfing!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Happy Thursday Everyone!

Today I have a couple DEALerts to share with everyone.  Hope you enjoy!

Lillypads by Lilly Gold-Sale for $9.99 ($60 savings)!
  • Five in One transform from a tote bag, to a shopping cart cover, to a restaurant high chair cover, to an adult dining chair cover, to a playmat or changing station
  • Transforms in seconds
  • Eliminates excess gear carry
  • Quickly unfolds to protect your child from germs and dirt wherever you are
  • Today's Special price is $9.99 (not including S&H)
Code: Lily365

Shutterfly-40% off Photobooks
  • Shutterfly is currently offering 40% off photobooks.  I make these all the time and they  make great gifts.  No coupond code needed, just visit their site.  And shipping is FREE with orders over $30 using the code below.
Code: Ship30

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bargain Shopping for the Bargain Addict

So who doesn’t love a good bargain?  I would say that no matter what your economic status or social status is a good bargain makes the soul feel good!  Wouldn’t you agree?  Many of you know that I LOVE a good deal.  I have tried my hand at couponing (it’s a lot of work but if you’re committed it really works).  I have signed up for freebies and lots of great offers.  I am ALWAYS on the hunt for the easiest form of shopping (AKA—online shopping is the BEST).  If free shipping is offered, I’m taking it!  I just love a good deal.  Maybe it started because before my mom remarried I saw her work two jobs just to make sure I was provided for and taken care of. I saw her manage her money like no one else.  She was a whiz at it!  She taught me the art of frugality and I carried that through with me pretty much my entire life (except for those rare occasions when I splurge on some fab shoes or a purse---but those days are limited now that I am a mommy).  Some people feel a surge of happiness with a good shopping spree.  Well I do too; but only when I know I've walked out saving some $$$.  A feel euphoric when I feel like I got a good deal.  And I LOVE when someone asks me..."where did you get that, it must have been so expensive?" and I get to reply, "OMG, I got the BEST deal on this, it was so cheap!!!"
All this said, a lot of friends have asked me how and where I shop for such amazing deals.  So here you go, here are my secrets.  I know there are tons more yet to be discovered so feel free to share your shopping secrets too!
Ok if there was a frequent shopper program or rebate program Amazon might go bankrupt on me alone.  I am in LOVE with Amazon, not in like, in LOVE.  Be prepared for LOTS of caps and lots of exclamations.  I’ve been known to say Amazon is my best friend.  Sorry Husband.  J

So here’s the 411 on a few Amazon related topics.
  • Amazon Prime-Annual Membership ($75) which earns you free shipping on thousands of products and discounted expedited shipping.  This membership pays for itself within a few orders for me.
  • Amazon Mom-This program was recommended to me by other mommies.  It is a free program offered as an extension to regular Amazon.  In short, you sign up, choose products you use on a regular basis (i.e. diapers, formula, wipes, etc.) and have them delivered to you on a regular basis (every other month, once a month, etc.).  In return Amazon extends an additional discount (starting at 5%) which increases the more items you sign up for.  The BEST part is there is no obligation and you can cancel or change items anytime you want before the cutoff.  Speaking of the cutoff, busy mommies can’t remember everything so Amazon takes care of it for you.  They will email you a reminder.  If you want your order to be shipped as is, do nothing.  If you want to alter or cancel it just click on the link in the email.  Easy peezy!  I use this for SG’s diapers, wipes, Diaper Genie refills, detergent, dog food, fabric softener and more.
  • Amazon App-Super easy to use app.  Once you set up an account you can shop and ship with one click---BEWARE, this gets very dangerous.  When SG was just a tiny lil nugget I used to make it through middle of the night feedings and waking by shopping online.  Great example for SG but I got a lot done during those late nights!
  • Compare Prices-I will price compare just about everything to Amazon.  They have an amazing app that will let you search by name or even barcode (you scan the barcode with your smart phone) to price shop.  For example, you are in Target and are about to buy a Baby Bjorn---check Amazon first by scanning in the barcode and they automatically search their system and compare your price at Target.  GENIUS!!!  This has saved me MANY times.

We have an Executive Member to Costco which we pay $100 a year for.  I know, I know, sounds like a lot but we earn money back for every purchase made.  We literally always get at least $100 back at the end of the year from Costco so the membership ends up paying for itself.  Be forewarned, if you have never joined a club before you WILL go crazy at first.  Just ask my husband who on his first trip spent $400…and he was living alone back then.  You will try the delish snacks that are being sampled and think, “ooooh I totally need 1,000 mini hotdogs rolled in pretzel,” or “who doesn’t need 2,000 trash bags?”  The trick is to be smart here.  I wouldn’t recommend produce unless you are throwing a big party and know you will be eating that entire bag of 20 avocados before they get too ripe.  I WOULD recommend paper products or staples (detergent, soaps, toothpaste, etc.).  I would also recommend buying baby formula here.  Costco has the larger size of SG’s formula (34 oz. Similac powder which makes 61/4 oz. bottles or right around 30/8 oz. bottles) and the price per unit is some of the cheapest I have found.  The 34 oz or 2.12 lb tub will run approximately $32.  You can also buy a pack of three for $94.99 (which breaks down to $31.67 per tub).
Ooh I love me some Walmart.  I found out that Walmart also has the lowest cost of SG’s formula (compared to Target, HEB, Kroger, Babies R Us).  Here you can purchase a regular size (22.72 oz or 1.42 lb.) tub of formula for $23.98 (more expensive per unit than Costco but still a good price).  The other great thing about buying formula at Walmart is they accept consumer coupons.  I signed up for Similac coupons via their website and just about every month I receive three $5 off coupons.  Once I combine these with the low price at Walmart then becomes the cheapest in town.  Oh and you can redeem up to three coupons at one time at Walmart (Target only allows two).  I also found that Walmart’s Gerber baby food is cheaper.  I buy Gerber organic baby food to supplement for when we have run out of homemade food and Walmart’s prices start at $0.98 for two cups to $1.12.  I also like to buy Earth’s Best baby food and cereal and they are cheaper at Walmart as well.  Oh and recently I have been purchasing LOTS of teething rings and toys and Walmart is hands down the cheapest.  They also have their own line of baby clothes and toys called Garanimals.  I LOVE this line!  I bought SG 5 summer rompers (super cute) for $6 each.  The clothes are fab for casual outfits and we all know how fast these lil guys grow so who wants to spend a leg and an arm for wear one time couture?  Oh and Walmart offers free shipping on tons of essentials or for minimum purchases.

The Garanimals brand makes toys and clothes.

SG in one of the $6 Garanimals rompers I found her.

Another $6 romper.

Can anyone walk into a Target and not walk out having spent at LEAST $50?!  Am I the only one?  Certainly I can’t be.  I often refer to Target as the black hole of shopping.  You walk in needing some toilet paper and you walk out with a new wardrobe, new home décor, and tons of other “essentials.”  Target has started something very similar to CVS where upon purchasing featured items you earn money back.  This makes me a very happy momma.  For example, Tide detergent, Bounty paper towels and Charmin toilet paper are featured.  If you purchase 2 units you earn a $5 gift card.  Say you purchase 2 of each…you can earn three gift cards (although I believe they put a limit on these).  So what do I do?  I purchase the items which earn me cash back and then I make them ring up my second batch of purchases and use my gift cards towards that purchase.  It’s completely awesome!  One time I combined gift cards with my Similac coupons and was able to buy 4 tubs of Similac for the price of 1!  I also love Target for baby clothes.  They have tons of super cute outfits but my fav line is their Circo line which starts at $4 per outfit/unit.  I can’t tell you how many of these I have purchased for SG. 
Super cute onsies by Circo.

SG in a $8 Circo find.  Adorbs dress with built in bloomers.  Circa 1989...mommy likey!
See Target’s earn money back program….CVS does the same and sometimes you can earn even more back.  I have been known to combine CVS’s program, coupons and discounts earned via their frequent shopper program and save up to 60% off my entire purchase.  My brother has saved up to 80%. 
There are tons more money saving ideas I can share but this should get us started for now.  Keep in mind that deals/programs are constantly changing and may differ by city BUT there are ALWAYS deals to be had.  And when in doubt research online for coupons or coupon codes.  One of my favs is 
In the meantime happy shopping and stay frugal!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

SG's 1st Easter-and mommy's lesson learned...

Hi Mommies,
I am so sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  Things got a bit hectic with family in town but I did want to share a quick post about SG's 1st Easter.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter as well!
When I was a little girl our family did not really attend church on a regular basis. I often went with my childhood best friend and her family. One of my favorite times at church was always Easter. Of course I also loved Easter because that meant Easter baskets, presents and CANDY! I always had visions of the amazingly elaborate baskets I would put together for my children. Baskets overflowing with candy and toys.  I had envisioned this for SG’s 1st Easter.  Although, like many things in life I had to learn the hard way that huge baskets, perfect outfits and big spectacles don’t always = the perfect Easter. Here is how SG’s 1st Easter really went.
Sadly, I must admit that I did not make a basket for SG. I have been so busy between my job, my photography business and just trying to spend as much time with SG in my free time that I never got around to putting it together. I was so sad when I woke up Sunday morning thinking about how I had failed.  What would my daughter think?  I didn’t even put anything together for her!  I did buy her a few items but never really put it all together.  Tragedy #1.
After stressing over the perfect outfit for all of us to wear (we had to match of course!) I made sure SG’s hair was perfectly coiffed.  We were finally ready and out the door with my parents and in-laws. After arriving to church I pulled SG out of her car seat I noticed her hair was a disaster!  And her bow just didn’t want to stay in place.  Boo---tragedy #2.
 Then as we are walking in SG decides it is the perfect time for a big poopy diaper (this kid literally only poops at home---never while we are out).  Of course I immediately stress out…her outfit!!1  Thank goodness we barely missed ruining the gingham outfit (I kid you not she was about 1” away from a major blowout!) I had searched high and low for, for weeks.  I took her to the family restroom to change her where tragedy #3 happened---poo on mommy.  Ugh, this was the dumbest Easter ever!

 Finally, we dropped the lil Nuggy off at nursery school and we entered the sanctuary for service.  Our Pastor gave an AMAZING (actually all his sermons are amazing) sermon.  He told us that just as God made us his priority we are to do the same.  The day starts with Him and ends with Him.  He also reminded us to remember the true meaning of Easter.  I sat there…guilt and shame swept over me.  From the moment I woke up I was stressed, disappointed and annoyed at the most mundane things.  Things that didn’t matter.  I had completely missed what Easter was all about. So what if Easter brunch wasn’t perfect?  So what if I didn’t make SG a huge Easter basket?  So what if her hair was less than perfect (she has a natural bump it with all that volume in her hair J)?  So what if I got poo on me (I mean I did have hand sanitizer).  I had forgotten what Easter was truly all about.  I decided to change my attitude right then and there and thanked God for helping me to realize that Easter is more than all these things; it is about celebrating Jesus and family!
 As soon as my attitude changed everything went great.  Brunch wasn’t perfect and that was ok.  SG didn’t need an Easter basket and enjoyed the books I bought her very much.  And the greatest gift I can give my daughter is showing her what I value above all else…God.  Her bow came off and I let that bed head run wild!  And the poo…well c’mon that’s a badge of honor!
 So after all my stressing at the end of the day I reflected back on SG’s first Easter and realized it was just as it should have been.  She was surrounded by both sets of grandparents (and was literally NEVER put down between the four of them) and her daddy and I.  I know that even though there was no basket for her to open she felt loved.  We spent the day playing with her and loving on her as much as possible.  That night as I fed her and rocked her I thought about God’s sacrifice---giving his only son so that we could be forgiven.  I thought about Mary watching her son be tortured and crucified and the excruciating pain she must have felt.  It brought tears to my eyes as I held my sweet Sofia Grace in my arms.  I was reminded that it is because of God’s grace that I was able to spend such an amazing day with my daughter.  After all, there is always next year to work on a basket but at least this year I was able to “fill her basket” in another way and I hope I always remember that. The day was an imperfect day---which was perfectly fine with me.
 Here are some photos from SG’s first Easter.
Husband couldn't wait until was SG old enough to sit on his shoulders.  SG obviously loves it.
The loves of my life....complete with a lil drool for effect.  :)
My sugar bear---happiest girl I know!
The Jenkins-Easter 2013

SG with my parents, Grandma and Poppa.  I think she prefers her Poppa to all of us...must be the beard!
SG with her other grandma and grandpa.  Her grandma and daddy are where she gets all her happiness from, they are the two happiest people I know.

Flying with Poppa!

My girl.
Four generations here.  My grandma, my mom, me and Nuggy.

Getting her grandpa to act silly for her. 

One of my favorites.